Date: 2010/2/26 (Fri) 15F30`17F00

      Place: Collaboration Room #7 (Information Science Building, 5th floor)

      Name: Mitsuru Matsui
          Mitsubishi Electric Ltd.

      Title: Secure Biometric Authentication Using 2-DNF Homomorphi Encryption

      Abstract: This presentation focuses on a secure biometric authentication protocol that can authenticate users using encrypted biometric information. The system is a three party model which consists of a user, an authentication server and a decryption center. Previously, a similar protocol was known which uses conventional homomorphic encryption schemes such as Paillier encryption scheme. In that protocol, however, an interaction was required between the user and the server. We propose a new protocol which uses 2-DNF homomorphic encryption schemes without the interaction using Okamoto-Takashima homomorphic encryption scheme that provides 2-DNF homomorphism. The protocol is proved secure in the semi-honest model.
