平成21年8月 先端暗号フロンティアセミナー アブストラクト

東野 輝夫 (大阪大学)
題名: 高信頼なアンビエントネットワークシステムの構築を目指して -現状と課題-

The 1st Meeting for Cryptology Frontier Group Abstract

-Cryptology Frontier Integrated Field-
Teruo Higashino (Osaka University)
Title: Design and Deployment of High-Reliable Ambient Network Systems
Abstract: With the advance of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence, several thousands of sensors and mobile devices will collaborate each other for collecting sensing information in urban districts and providing location-aware services considering pedestrians' preference. In order for mega scale ubiquitous systems to become popular as societal systems, high reliability and robustness are required. Here, we introduce several types of ubiquitous systems used in urban districts and discuss about how we can improve their performance and reliability.

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