SCIS2012 Jan 30 - 2.Feb., 2012

  1. Reports

    SCIS2012 was held in Excel Hotel Tokyu in Kanazawa, Japan in the period January 30th, 2012 to February 2, 2-12. The topics of the conference covered a wide range of information security areas which included Public Key Cryptography(PKC), Symmetric Key Cryptography, side channel attacks, hash functions, Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC), biometrics, formal methods and number theory. Also in the program were invited lectures that covered areas in cloud computing and quantum security. The number of presentations was to the tune of 300 with participants numbering to around 640 which was a new record set, in the entire SCIS's history. There were mainly two venues, one being mainly for the conference proceedings and the other for the invited lectures. In both venues, delicious food and drinks that included coffee and donuts and so on were sumptuously served to the guests.
