Over the year, digital wireless technology being lead to many electrifying expansions including the fast intensification of mobile and ubiquitous computing. Applications of constrained device such as smart phones, smart auto-mobiles and smart homes have already begun to popular and necessary. But the key point is to ensure security which is an important factors where it should be needed to take into consideration. Constrained devices such as RFID-tag will play a key factor in the near future for the development of wireless computing. So it is very much targeted for scientists to develop low-cost RFID tags for RFID or WSN' device. Block-cipher based cryptographic hash functions is one of the prominent solution for providing rigorous security to the constrained device. There are two classes of Blockcipher hash such as (n, n) and (n, 2n). For (n, n), there are some familiar schemes such as MSR, MDC-2, MDC-4, MJH. Some of these schemes are well bounded by security constrain and some are good for better efficiency rate, number of key scheduling etc. Other hand, the Weimar, Hirose, Tandem, Abreast, ISA, Nandi are the schemes of (n, 2n) class. The Weimar, Hirose is the best for the collision security bound but for the efficiency Nandi and ISA is the best. All of these, blockcipher based schemes can encrypt fixed size of data, where the input and output will be varied. So there is another challenge to provide FPE and SDE based scheme.
