Invited Talk
- Atsuko Miyaji, "(Keynote Speach) Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems for IoT devices", (ICICS 2017)
- Atsuko Miyaji, ``(Keynote Speach) Privacy-Preserving Big Data Analysis",The 10th International Conference on Network and System Security
(NSS 2016).
- Bo-Yuan Peng, Bo-Yin Yang, Yuan-Che Hsu, Yu-Jia Chen, Di-Chia Chueh, Chen-Mou Cheng, and Atsuko Miyaji,"Flexible and scalable implementation of elliptic-curve cryptography on FPGA",invited paper at the 13th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC2016), Jeju, Korea, October 2016.
- A. Miyaji, ``(panel discussion) Expert panellists discuss: Cyber-attack hits Brisbane: how prepared are we? ",
The 20th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2015).
- A. Miyaji, ``Further Application on RFID with Privacy-Preserving",
The 1st International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, FDSE 2014
- Atsuko Miyaji and Kazumasa Omote,
``Self-healing Schemes Suitable for Various WSNs", The 6th International Conference on Internet and Dsitributed Computing Systems (IDCS 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8223(2013),Springer-Verlag, 92-105.
- Atsuko Miyaji,
``Cryptographic Approach to Enhance the Security against Recent Threats"
NSC-JST Workshop on ``Information and Communication Technology", JST Tokyo, 2012.
- Atsuko Miyaji,
``Globalization of information and privacy"
75th National Convention of IPSJ, March, 2013.
- Atsuko Miyaji,
``New era of information security"
75th National Convention of IPSJ, March, 2013.
- ``Efficient and Secure Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication",
Tenjin university, Mar., 5th.
- ``Recent topics on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem: Research and International Standardization",
Dhaka university, Feb., 19th.
- ``Various techniques on Efficient and Secure Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication",
ICISC 2011, Dec., 1st.
- ``On the Standardization of Information Security --ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG2 Report on the Melaka Meeting in April, 2010",
Atsuko MIYAJI, Takeshi CHIKAZAWA, Toshio TATSUTA, Kenji OHKUMA, Hajime WATANABE IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC2010-32 (2010-07), 123-132.
- ``Efficient and Secure Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication"
Dhaka , Mar., 5th.
- Atsuko Miyaji,
``The recent tendency of research and standardization of elliptic curve cryptosystems",
The 4th Franco-Japanese Computer Security Workshop, Dec., 2008.
- ``On standardization in Information Security"
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Nov., 2008.
- Atsuko Miyaji,
``Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for the Privacy Protection:Theory and International Standardization",
UK-JAPAN Symposium on ``Privacy and Security in the Information Society", Nov., 2008.
- "On the Standardization of Information Security-Report on the Kyoto Meeting in April, 2008",
IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC 2008-20 (2008-07), 27-36.
- A. Miyaji,
(Plenary talk)``Application of Number Theory to Cryptology",
DMHF 2007: COE Conference on the Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality (2007), 3-6.
- "Recent tendency of research and standarlization on elliptic curves suitable for a bilinear-map application"
RSA Conference 2007.
- "On the Standardization of Information Security-Report on the Russia Meeting in May, 2007",
IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC 2007-39(2007), 159-170.
- "Application of Number Theory to Elliptic-Curve Generation"
The Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers
IT2006-11(2006), 1-6.
- "Construction of Elliptic Curve suitable for bilinear-map-based cryptosystems",
The 2006 annual meeting of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, 104-107.
- "On the Standardization of Information Security-Report on the Madrid Meeting in May, 2006",
IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC 2006-49(2006), 43-52.
- "Construction of (Hyper) Elliptic Curve suitable for bilinear-map-based cryptosystems", Algebraic geometry, number theory, code, cryptosystems,
Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, (2006), 42-58.
- "Privacy Rights in the Digital Age Technological,-How to Protect Privacy Right by the technology of Information Security-" ,
International Forum on Privacy Rights in the Digital Age,Korean National Commission for UNESCO, September 2005.
- "On the Standardization of Information Security-Report on the Vienna Meeting in April, 2005",
IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC 2005-70(2005), 155-164.